The Birth of Mental Health

There's been a proliferation in our modern take of mental health, which coincides with a decrease in religion / increase in science.

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The New Frontier

It's hard to let go - in a way I had to let go of a way of seeing the world which I found sacred to enter the new frontier.

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Idol 1.0: Batman

I kick off a new thread focused on exploring different people and characters that qualify as idols for me, the first one is Batman.

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What Am I Reading? 1.0

I am sharing the list of books I have read over the past year and a half as well as some comments on standouts from earlier in life.

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Me and Reading

I have a great respect for reading, it is one fundamental way in which I interact with the world, and one of the most fun ways to spend time.

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Finding the One (A Right One)

A couple of my personal thoughts on how I currently view romance. It would be nice to find the one or one of the ones.

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